When you are on someone else’s property, they are responsible for providing you with safety during your stay. Whether this is a commercial space held by a restaurant or privately owned property of an individual, they are responsible if you suffer an injury. While many property owners don’t honor this, people can suffer injuries if the space is not adequately cared for. If you have sustained injuries and are seeking help bringing those responsible to justice in Alton, IL, call Mormino & Snider P.C. at
(618) 465-2541.
Slip-and-falls are the most common personal injury that affects a large portion of the population. These can happen anywhere due to many factors, such as wet floors or cluttered walkways. If you have been injured while on someone else’s property, our lawyers have years of experience helping clients who have been hurt.
Whether you are injured on commercial or residential property, it may be the responsibility of the owner to set things right. Our team will work tirelessly to ensure you are made whole again and that the situation doesn’t happen to others.
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